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Change to the commission structure for the rest of 2014

Based on feedback from consultants and submissions made by managers at the strategy meeting, we are changing the commission structure.

We will now have quarterly targets in place for consultants to reach accelerated commission.

Previously in a 6 month period consultants received 10% commission on everything billed from 0 to €70k, 20% between €70-90k, 30% between €90-120k and the special 40% from 120k+

For clarity the new system is;

  • We will still have no thresholds.

  • July, August, September > Consultants receive 10% on first €35,000, 20% between €35-45,000, 30% between €45-60,000 and 40% above €60,000

  • We will keep this in place for October, November, December before reviewing accelerators for 2015.

As managers have pointed out more consultants will get into the accelerated commissions and the increased earnings will be spread better over the year.

Everyone should aim to be in the accelerated at least once by Christmas!!

Please thank Lorna for agreeing to the extra admin.

Happy closing,


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